
Beverly “BeBe” Angel is one of the most visible prophetic leaders of our time. Together with her husband, Uebert Angel, they are the founders of the ever-growing Spirit Embassy churches around the globe. Beverly Angel travels extensively around the world and speaks internationally to thousands every year. Her name has become synonymous with miracles, signs, wonders, and accurate prophecies. Her candidness and boldness to confront life head-on has made her one of the greatest female influencers and life coaches globally.
BeBe Angel is a well-seasoned Entrepreneur with a stunning business track record under her belt with companies such as Vincenzo Luca Milan, Brits Money and The Angel Organisation group of companies which she runs with her husband. A devoted wife and mother of four boys, she also serves with her husband as patrons of their charity arm, the Uebert Angel Foundation whose main aim is to demonstrate the love of Christ through practical giving to those in need.
Beverly Angel has also authored best-selling books such as the popular Grace Driven Life, Intimacy and Enjoy Life Now, among others. She holds a degree in Business Finance from the University of Salford. She also holds a post-graduate degree in Education at the University of Bolton and a Master’s Degree in Organisational and Business Psychology at the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom.