Core 100 Annual Subscription

Core 100 is an exclusive membership program for ladies from all walks of life who have one thing in common – a desire to grow in their knowledge of Jesus! Not many of us will disagree when it comes to the wisdom and benefits of mentoring.

Save over £100 by subscribing yearly for only £779.00/ year (equivalent of £65.00/month)

£779.00 / year

Core 100 Annual Subscription

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Here’s what you will get with this membership:

  • Monthly newsletter from BeBe Angel
  • Ad-hoc closed-group coaching sessions with BeBe Angel
  • Weekly pre-recorded motivational messages from BeBe Angel
  • Free Core100 Broadcast replays
  • Opportunity to ask questions and seek advice from BeBe Angel  on any questions of your choice via email
  • Occasional phone calls from BeBe Angel. Please note, these are NOT guaranteed and are always dependant on BeBe Angel’s availability.

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